We all know how happy sex and masturbating can make us, but most of us don’t know the chemical effect it has on our brain. Let’s briefly break down how masturbation can make us happy and relieve stress!
Act Of Masturbating Releases Endorphins
Endorphins are natural chemicals produced by our nervous systems, primarily to help us cope with stress and pain. Have you ever felt ‘runner’s high’? Even if you’re not a runner, you may have experienced this feel good mental high during exercise or other vigorous physical activity. That ‘runner’s high’ is caused by a rush of endorphins, released by your body to provide balance from the stress of exercise.
Reaching Orgasm & Accessing Dopamine & Oxytocin
Dopamine is another natural feel good chemical released by the brain during orgasm, putting you in a euphoric state which in turn helps temporarily reduce depression and anxiety. While endorphins are released during the act of masturbation, dopamine and oxytocin are flooded out from the brain during the actual climax. Dopamine provides you with that gratifying, satisfied feeling which could also help you relax and fall asleep, while Oxytocin is known to lower cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is the stress hormone associated with high anxiety and stress levels. Lower your cortisol, and enjoy some relief from these common issues.
Improving Overall Mental Health & Learning
About Your Body
Taking advantage of the friendly chemicals mentioned above will help boost your mood which gives you the ability to be more productive and enjoy the things you love. Masturbation allows you to feel good during AND after the act. In addition, ‘taking care of yourself’ can also help you learn more about, well…yourself. What better way to discover your spot, or exactly what helps you orgasm faster and harder than doing the exploring all alone. Once you’ve discovered what you love in the bedroom, you can bring that knowledge and apply it to sex with your partner, which can enhance your relationship! Look around our Adultys sex shop to determine which products might be for you.